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​Coming to terms with the loss of a loved one or friend, or even a pet, is difficult  for everyone.  There is no set time in which you can recover from grief. We all deal with grief  in different ways.  Some may  feel that they will never get over it.

Most will go through a range of feelings from disbelief, anger, guilt and loneliness.
Some of people deal with these feelings by  shutting  their memories and sadness away and making  themselves as busy as possible, while others may need to talk about the one who has died as much as they can, for as long as others will listen.

However, most of us do need to express our grief in some way and try to come to terms with it.  We may need to rationalise it, accept that death is an inevitable end to life, learn to let go of the past and move into the next stage of our life.

Through hypnosis you can take yourself down into your inner mind, your inner world where you can explore old and forgotten memories, find hidden treasures, that may comfort you and reassure you.  You may even feel that you can talk to the person you lost and ask for their help or guidance.  This often allows people to feel much more at peace with themselves.

The underlying theme of hypnotherapy is to give the client a feeling of calmness and safety.  It will help them feel stronger and have belief in their ability to carry on and rebuild  their lives or change direction in a way that suits their needs and situation. Maybe help them come to terms with their own mortality.


Sue Turner has experienced bereavement herself several times. Her husband died when she was quite young. She believes that bereavement is very individual and we will all need to grieve in our own way.  A lot of it is about learning  to live our own lives without our special person or pet in it. The counselling and therapy she offers is mainly about helping people get back on their feet and learn to live in different more independent way with a sense of hope. Being able to see life as a long adventure meeting different people and experiencing different ways of seeing along the way.

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